Green Team
BFF's Green Team aims to promote environmentally sustainable practices through providing resources and opportunities for the community.
About Green Team
Centered in Benson, the program consists of neighborhood cleanups,landscaping, community events, public art projects, education, and other beautification initiatives. Read more about Green Team in the Omaha World Herald Piece Below!
2024 Benson Cleanup Dates
Join the BFF Green Team every other Sunday at 11 AM and Wednesday at 6:30 PM. behind Petshop (2725N 62nd St.) to pick up litter in Benson. All are welcome - Join for one or all! For updates and last-minute cancellations, follow our IG :)
Thank You to our Green Team Sponsors!
Green Team operates with the Support of the Nebraska Arts Council, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and Heather Tedesco, Realtor, Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate.
Recycling Resources
Keep Omaha Beautiful organizes The Omaha Recycling Guide to help answer your recycling questions. Search hundreds of household items to learn what is accepted, what’s not, and find local resources for recycling right in Omaha, Nebraska.
Bicycle Resources
Ride your Bike to Benson & Win a Free BFFWater Bottle!
Ride your bike to Benson and park it anywhere.
Snap a photo of your parked bike (get creative!) and tag @bffomaha with caption "I rode to @bffomaha" on FB or IG
Show a BFF rep your post during any monthly First Friday at the BFF Gallery (5901 Maple) or Petshop (2727 N. 62nd)
We'll even throw in a FREE starter sticker pack so you can deck it!
Additional Bike Resources:
Earth Day Omaha's 2020 Virtual Event
If you missed Earth Day Omaha's virtual event this spring, check it out! The beauty of virtual programming...you can't miss it!
Other Resources
Composting is an easy way to contribute to environmental sustainability in your own community. Composting turns food scraps, plant clippings, and other compostable items into nutrient-rich soil; a far better alternative than allowing these items to pile up in a landfill and put off methane.
Our friends at Hillside Solutions have created a quick start guide for composting and recycling! We've even teamed up with Hillside Solutions to bring a compost club drop-off site to Benson!
Rewilding is one element of the sustainability efforts our community must engage in to combat climate change and ensure the health of our environment.
What is rewiliding?
Rewilding is the act of fostering healthy animal and plant growth within society by returning parts of the environment to their natural states.
Rewilding Omaha is a program aiming to reintroduce nature to the city. By providing resources and opportunities, Rewilding Omaha hopes to educate and activate community members in the practice of rewilding. One easy way to get involved in rewilding in your own community is to include native plants in your outdoor spaces!