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Emerging artists come together for new downtown self-expression mural
The Omaha Performing Arts Holland Center has a fresh burst of color thanks to a collection of new and aspiring artists.
"The idea and the thing behind the project is nurture," South Omaha artist Hugo Alberto Zamorano said. "I gave the artists and the people that I work with free reign to come up with ideas about what nurture means to them, what nurture looks like or what that feels like."

Community celebrates Omaha LGBTQ+ history with inclusive event 'Out in the Park'
OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — Picnic blankets, music, drag performances and community. The family-friendly pride event brought neighbors of all ages together, creating an inclusive space.
The event is part of the Queer History of Omaha Mapping Project which started in June to uncover people, places, and things that are significant to the queer history of Omaha.

Omaha's queer community celebrates history at Out in the Park
OMAHA, Neb. —
Omaha's queer community celebrated its history at Out in the Park on Sunday.
The event at the Elmwood Park Pavilion also celebrated the Omaha Queer History Mapping Project.
Festivalgoers could put pins on a map to show where they're from in Omaha and the greater metro area.

Live Review: Petfest keeps things comfortably weird - Lazy-i.com
In the calendar of Omaha summer music festivals, Petfest is the one I look forward to most, not necessarily because of the music line-up — which is always first-rate — but because it’s easy. Petfest is a laid-back, end-of-summer gathering of local music aficionados, art freaks, neighbors and friends enjoying a perfect late-summer afternoon with the best local music the state has to offer.

Bart Vargas brings ‘MORE OF THE SAME' to Petshop Gallery in Benson - Omaha Magazine
For three decades, collages have influenced the artistic journey of Bart Vargas, an internationally recognized multidisciplinary artist, educator, and advocate; yet, he had never publicly showcased this facet of his work. This changed on February 2, when the Benson Creative District hosted the opening reception of his latest exhibition, "MORE OF THE SAME: A Series of Juvenile Collages and Some paintings by a Middle-Aged Man," at Petshop Gallery as part of BFF Omaha’s February First Friday. The exhibit showcases 43 collages, 71 paintings, and a single sculpture.